We recently got together and discussed Matched by Ally Condie. A young adult book about a society that completely regulates every movement it's subjects make. From when they can recreate to when they die...and who they will marry. Matched, the first book in the trilogy, begins by Cassie going to her Banquet to find out who she will be matched with to marry.
Cassie soon finds her heart in a predicament. What would you have done?
Would you stick with Xander who is kind, handsome, comfortable- the safe choice? Or would you follow your heart into the dangerous unknown for a slim slim slim chance to be with Ky who is completely off limits forever?
The latter might seem like the romantic choice HOWEVER when I was reading this story I kept waiting for Ally to develop the relationship between them that would make Ky seem like the hands down obvious choice. But to me.... he wasn't. For book one I am Team Xander all the way. He took
chances and risks for people he cared about. He's smart, witty, did I mention handsome?
What team are you on? If you had the luxury to be pulled between two which way would you go?
For our book club evening we had our own little banquet with a roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, bread and butter, and chocolate cake for dessert. I found for the girls little tree starter kits with cute tiny pots. We all started scheming where we're going to plant our trees on our next camping trips!

I'm really looking forward to book 2 Crossed with the release date of, yikes, November 1, 2011, when I turn 31!
