I'm always keeping an eye out for a good book recommendation, a fresh source for something new to read, even though I have stacks of borrowed and purchased books I've yet to get to. Whatever, it's a compulsion, so when I was reading a column about Mumford & Sons and saw that they have a book club on their blog I had to check it out, and I thought I'd share the link with you. I haven't read either book reported, not reviewed, on but what Marcus wrote made me fall in love with him just a little bit. I wish my 'reports' sounded half as well thought out and intelligent. A musician and a reader, I think it's too good to be true. If you find me listening to Sigh No More reading The Pearl in the not so distant future, don't be surprised.
And how apropos that there is an acoustic bookshop session of The Cave for your listening enjoyment.
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