One thing that I thought was a little disturbing for a YA was the premise of the Hunger Games themselves. You know, children killing children. But the push and pull relationship between Peeta and Katniss is perfection and easily makes me forget any disturbing thoughts.
I was also very fascinated with the Capitol peeps. With their dyed skin, whiskers, wigs, and other eccentricities. If you think about it people today aren't all that much different. I mean plenty of people have full sleeve tattoos and lots of piercings and dye their hair all sorts of colors. And that's not even getting into plastic surgery. BUT I think ALL of us actually aren't all that much different from the Capitol. I mean, we tan to enhance the color of our skin, we dye our hair colors it couldn't be on it's own, poke holes in our ears to dangle metal from them, put paint on our finger and toe nails and even super glue on fake ones that hurts like no other when they're ripped off.

We put chemicals on our teeth to whiten them, and we wear high heels to appear taller, slimmer or sexier even though we pay for it in blisters and cramps.

And we use a wide assortment of Spanx to appear slimmer and spend hours at the gym trying to change our shape. And remember the days of getting perms? Although I am not opposed to these I do wonder has Suzanne given us a possible glimpse into what mankind will become....
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